Ōtautahi Christchurch Newsletter 20 February 2023

1 year ago 78

Event Notices

Global Climate Strike
Fri 3 March, 3.00pm, Cathedral Square

Don’t forget the upcoming school strike for climate. If you can help with publicity then links to posters and mini info pamphlets can be found here.

If you can donate some funds to help with postering and other advertising or helping to organize sound etc. Then any donations would be greatly appreciated. The SS4C Ōtautahi account is: 02-0940-0069454-001. Up to date information is on Instagram.

If you can help by being a marshal contact Ants ants.field@gmail.com or 021 154 1285

Facebook event here.

Restore Passenger Rail Events

Uni Climate Mobilisation and Training Week – From 17 Feb to 1 March at UoC

Come and hear about our peaceful civil resistance campaign, and why some have chosen to step up into high stakes action. Come and hear climate and civil resistance experts and local people tell the truth about the climate crisis, and what we can do about it.
Meet on the main library steps for one of these 90 minute intro talks:
  • Tues 21 Feb 2:15 pm
  • Thurs 23 Feb 3:15 pm
  • Wed 1 March 1:15 pm

Please register (it’s free and easy) here for the intro talk.
Once you’ve come to an intro talk, come to the full day nonviolent direct action training, full day Sunday 26 Feb. See below.
Facebook event here.

Nonviolent Direct Action Training For The Climate – Sun 26 Feb, 9.30am – 5pm

Floods, cyclones…. what’s next? Shall we step up into action together, or just wait for the climate disaster to get even worse? If you care about protecting all life, then come to our nonviolent direct action (NVDA) training. We need you.
Learn how to use your body, your courage, and your intelligence to take powerful action against the climate crisis. This could be one of the most empowering things that you learn to do. Get to know like minded people with whom you’ll practice fun and challenging exercises, and learn skills used by everyday people stepping into climate action, around the world.
If you’re not already part of an existing climate action group, that’s totally fine, but in that case we highly recommend that you come to one of our intro talks, here.
To attend and to find out training location you’ll need to register, here.
Facebook event here.

If you have questions on these events you can call Rebecca on 021 296 6045.
Please note: credit to Blockade Australia for the powerful image.

Stand up for Cycleways

From Councillor Sara Templeton’s Facebook page.

Our Major Cycleway programme is designed to provide safe cycling routes for people of all ages and stages to get around the city – but we are not finished yet and so many roads are still unsafe. Making our roads safer is absolutely crucial if we are to get people cycling as safety is the top reason that puts people off.

This coming Wednesday there’s a move to defer or even cancel the Wheels to Wings cycleway which is designed to give the tens of thousands of residents in the Harewood and Papanui area a safe cycle route to Northlands Mall, Papanui Library and in to town. At a time where our North Island friends and whānau are starting the clean up after climate driven devastation, it seems completely at odds with our goals of lowering our emissions and mitigating the worst impacts of climate change.

Last Tuesday, councillors had a briefing on the W2W cycleway, its design (and other options looked at), the extensive consultation process and why staff do not recommend deferring it and in the interests of transparency I have today emailed the Office of the CE to ask that the briefing presentation and accompanying video are made public on Monday, so that everyone can see the information we are considering as we make this decision.

The decision will be made at the Finance and Performance meeting on this coming Wednesday, starting at 9.30 am and anyone is able to request a deputation to speak to the Council on the matter by contacting the committee advisor David Corlett on 941 5421 or david.corlett@ccc.govt.nz. Alternatively email your councillor and ask that the cycleway not be deferred.

Other Inititatives

Recent Action

On Valentines Day morning at 8.30am, 15 members of Extinction Rebellion Ōtautahi held banners reading “BAN FREQUENT FLYER SCHEMES” and “TAX FREQUENT FLYERS” at the regional Air New Zealand Koru lounge inside Christchurch airport.

“Pressure is mounting on the city council to come out against Christchurch Airport’s “senseless” plans to build a new airport in Central Otago.”

“Eleven academics from across New Zealand have formed a group to oppose the airport’s proposal to build a “world-class sustainable airport” in Tarras – about 90km from Queenstown.”

“Three of those academics spoke at Wednesday’s Christchurch City Council meeting and urged the council not to continue supporting the project.” Read more of this article in the Press here.

Festering Feedlots

ECan have notified the consent application for feedlots in the Kaituna Valley. So the public can now make submissions on the consent applications from Wongan Hills Limited.

The consent applications relate to a proposal for the operation of up to four composting barn/feedlots housing up to 2200 cattle at Kaituna Valley on Banks Peninsula. There are two consent applications which have been notified. More info on the ECan website.

Previously we have publicised a Greenpeace community petition against feedlots. This is still gathering submissions.

We hope that before the closing date for submissions on Thurs 2 March we will be able to point you to some guidance on making a submission, but if you have a head of steam up don’t hold back in letting them know how you feel.

Kae Tempest – People’s Faces (Audio)

Some poetry/rap that suits the mood.

Keeping In Touch

Welcome Newbees and XR returnees to Heartbeat – Next Heartbeat is 7pm, Friday 3 March at the WEA, 59 Gloucester St. Contact Fay for more info – 027 324 6326.

  • Action circle – meets Wednesday nights, open to anyone who’s been on an XRŌ action – contact Michael for more info – 021 0264 7594.
  • Email – XR Ōtautahi rebs can be contacted by emailing us at christchurch@extinctionrebellion.nz
  • Facebook – Check out our Extinction Rebellion Ōtautahi Christchurch Facebook events page.
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