Plants, Vol. 12, Pages 1743: New Data on Native and Alien Vascular Flora of Sicily (Italy): New Findings and Updates

1 year ago 30

Plants, Vol. 12, Pages 1743: New Data on Native and Alien Vascular Flora of Sicily (Italy): New Findings and Updates

Plants doi: 10.3390/plants12091743

Authors: Salvatore Cambria Dario Azzaro Orazio Caldarella Michele Aleo Giuseppe Bazan Riccardo Guarino Giancarlo Torre Antonia Egidia Cristaudo Vincenzo Ilardi Alfonso La Rosa Valentina Lucia Astrid Laface Fabio Luchino Francesco Mascia Pietro Minissale Saverio Sciandrello Luca Tosetto Gianmarco Tavilla

In this paper, based on fieldwork and herbaria surveys, new data concerning the presence of 32 native and alien vascular species for Sicily (Italy) are provided. Among the native species, the occurrence of the following taxa is reported for the first time or confirmed after many decades of non-observation: Aira multiculmis, Arum maculatum, Carex flacca subsp. flacca, Mentha longifolia, Oxybasis chenopodioides, Najas minor and Xiphion junceum. Furthermore, we document the presence of three native species (Cornus mas, Juncus foliosus and Limonium avei) that, despite being repeatedly observed in Sicily and reported in the literature, are inexplicably omitted by the most recent authoritative checklists regarding the flora of Italy. Finally, fifteen alien species new to Sicily (including one new to Europe, i.e., Pyrus betulifolia) are reported and seven poorly documented allochthonous taxa are confirmed for the island, and for two of them, a status change is proposed. These new or confirmed records allow us to better define the European and national distribution of the targeted taxa and offer new insights on the native and alien flora of Sicily.

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