Rally this Saturday 2 pm at Britomart

1 year ago 62

In this newsletter:

  • Tax the Rich Rally
  • Auckland Transport
  • Vote Climate
  • Restore Passenger Rail – an action phase is close.
  • End Urban SUVs
  • Climate Café, fortnightly CBD or Monthly North Shore.
  • Regular North Shore Picket

Tax the Rich

Saturday 19 August 2pm Queen Street, next to Britomart.

This rally addresses the need for system change for a liveable planet.

Needed: Banner holders. Flag bearers, Leafleters. People on the stall. Donation collectors and more. Caril is scheduled to talk outside ANZ around 3 pm.

We are building the movement so sorely needed for our country to do our bit to keep the planet liveable. This is organised by a coalition led by unions, community activists, the Green Party and System Change Aotearoa.

Be there to support this mahi.

Why tax the rich?
The 311 wealthiest families in Aotearoa own almost as much wealth as the bottom half of the population. We are struggling with a cost of living crisis and a housing crisis; far too many children live in poverty; and the threat of catastrophic climate change looms over us larger than ever. A Newshub poll in May showed that 53% support a wealth tax, with just 35% opposed; and a 1 News poll in July showed that 52% support a capital gains tax on rental properties, with 37% opposed. Now more than ever before, it is time for the richest people in this country to pay their fair share. It is time to tax the rich.

Auckland Transport: August 29th 10 am
Why we MUST and CAN reduce emissions

Mairi is presenting as XR to the AT Board. We need you there. We will hold a banner and placards to reinforce what Mairi will present. We need this Board to take emission reduction seriously. Council has declared a climate emergency and AT is dragging their feet.

Apart from farming, transport is the worst source of CO2 emissions in NZ. And in Auckland, transport beats everything else for emissions, including industry. Auckland Transport can do so much more. They don’t understand the urgency We will assist them to catch up with the science.

Restore Passenger Rail Action

An action phase is close. While not in this city there will be supportive actions.

Get to the non-violent action training this Sunday 20th10 am Ellen Melville Centre

For online welcome meetings and more go to https://restorepassengerrail.nz

Contact Robin: 021651677 or Madga 022 6973637

Vote Climate

The Election campaign in started. One easy way to get the political will is through demonstration at the ballot box. Lets get out to vote climate. Let get our friends and family out to vote climate.

Help with the XR information stalls where ever people gather: Markets, concerts town squares and more. Get postering and leafleting. Get talking climate crisis and what government we need.

Alleviate climate anxiety through action. Make new friends. Have fun making a difference.

Text Caril 0211883933

END Urban SUVs. www.endurbansuvs.org

Urban SUVs are killing people, killing the planet https://theecologist.org/2021/apr/07/what-actual-truck. Aotearoa New Zealand is failing in emissions reductions commitment, and the clean care rebate isn’t enough.

Get your starter pack now. Only $10. Email EndUrbanSUVs@protonmail.com


1st Saturday & 3rd Sundays, 10.30 am at the Art Gallery Café CBD.

A perfect introduction and way to stay in contact with Rebels. Informal. Relaxed. Great company. Catch up with all that is happening. Find out where and how you can join in.

Contact Adam: 0273517926 or Contact Charlotte: 0211104420 n

North Shore Monthly CLIMATE CAFE

2nd Sundays 10 am Java Jungle in Browns Bay for XR members or anyone potentially interested in climate activism. Contact Justine 021819169


Every Wednesday or Friday 8-9 am North Shore Rebels picket at Oteha Valley Road intersection before motorway on-ramp. Bring placards and banners. Or you can use what we already have. Leaflets for interested drivers. Contact Pat 0276340902


  • Planning meetings – help make actions happen 1st & 3rd Mondays 6.30pm Zoom meetings
  • Be a Red/Green Rebel
  • Help with designing and making banners and placards
  • Help with the Website/Social media/data bases.
  • Help with press releases.
  • Do a nonviolent action training to get ready for disruptive effective action
  • What are you prepared to do to keep the planet liveable?

Can’t join actions?

Every campaign needs finance. Please donate through Kiwibank 38-9022-0356965-00

A huge thanks to everyone who has made a donation. Your contributions are making a big difference.

He uri tātou me ngā toiora katoa, ‘He muka nā te taura here a Ranginui rāua ko Papatūānuku.’ Ko tā tātou mahi he tieki i ngā tāonga me te mauriora i whakatōkia ai ki a Papatūānuku.

We are kin with all of life, ‘a strand in the enveloping life thread of Ranginui and Papatūānuku.’ Our responsibility is to tend and guard the riches and the vital ‘mauri’ that was implanted on Papatūānuku.

Race to Zero Emissions for 1.5 or <2 degrees

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