Rangers face isolation and challenges as they protect a remote reef in Palau

2 days ago 18

Rangers on Palau's Helen Reef endure months of isolation and limited supplies while patrolling a rich ecosystem threatened by poachers and climate change.

Yannick Peterhans reports for The Associated Press.

In short:

  • Helen Reef, part of Palau’s Protected Areas Network, is home to over 500 fish species, sea turtles and coral, attracting poachers.
  • Four rangers at a time live on Helen Island, patrolling for illegal fishing while battling isolation and resource shortages.
  • Erosion from rising sea levels now threatens the island itself, putting their station at risk.

Key quote:

“What we are worried about is the disappearance of the island.”

— Hercules Emilio, senior conservation officer

Why this matters:

Helen Reef supports rare species and biodiversity, but climate change and poaching jeopardize its future. Protecting this remote ecosystem is vital for conservation efforts in the Pacific.

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