Remote Sensing, Vol. 15, Pages 4913: Strong Clutter Suppression Using Spatial and Signal Similarity for Multi-Channel SAR Ground-Moving-Target Indication

10 months ago 26

Remote Sensing, Vol. 15, Pages 4913: Strong Clutter Suppression Using Spatial and Signal Similarity for Multi-Channel SAR Ground-Moving-Target Indication

Remote Sensing doi: 10.3390/rs15204913

Authors: Qinghai Dong Wei Li Ruihua Shi Ke Wang Bingnan Wang Chen Song Chong Song Maosheng Xiang

This paper presents a new two-stage approach for suppressing strong clutter and detecting moving targets using scatterers’ spatial structure and signal similarity. Compared with the traditional strong clutter suppression methods, the proposed method considers both the spatial similarity and the channel correlation of the scatterers, effectively alleviating the false alarm probability and avoiding the missed detection problem caused via identifying strong moving targets as strong stationary clutter. Additionally, a detector is presented based on the linear degree of the radial velocity interferometric phase (LDRVP) to eliminate false alarms from isolated strong scatter points and the edges of strong scatterers. The experimental results of the X-band radar indicate the presented approach’s lower false alarm probability and superior robustness.

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