Republican attempts to remove Rep. Ilhan Omar from the House Foreign Affairs Committee are racist and an attack on progressives everywhere

1 year ago 86

On Thursday morning, the House of Representatives is expected to vote on a resolution to remove Representative Ilhan Omar (D-MN 5) from the House Foreign Affairs Committee. This move is the latest racist attack by the far-Right to silence progressives in Congress who speak up for a human rights-centered foreign policy, including Palestinian human rights.

The attacks on Congresswoman Omar are driven by anti-Palestinian politicians and organizations who have tried to silence the Representative since she joined the committee. These are blatant attempts to censor the Congresswoman’s consistent calls for accountability for the Israeli government’s apartheid and human rights violations against Palestinians. Sadly, these Republican attempts to attack Congresswoman Omar have been buoyed in the past by attacks on Palestinian rights advocates within the Democratic party in the past as well.

Beth Miller: Political Director of Jewish Voice for Peace Action:

"These attacks are happening because Congresswoman Omar is effective. Because she is a progressive. Because she is a Black Muslim woman. Because her values are universal and include fighting for Palestinians.

"The GOP is riddled with white nationalists and antisemites. It is infuriating and absurd that they are trying to distract from the bigoted hatred in their own party by attacking a progressive woman of color. Congresswoman Omar consistently calls for the Israeli government to be held accountable for its crimes — crimes the GOP would rather cover up.

"Congresswoman Omar’s place is on the House Foreign Affairs Committee, and this attempt to remove her is nothing more than another attempt at silencing a Black, Muslim leader for change.”
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