Republicans call press conference, then boo reporters for asking questions

11 months ago 34

Late Tuesday night, the Republican Party got their act together enough to say they were ready to maybe vote for a new speaker of the House: Rep. Mike Johnson of Louisiana. It only took them a few weeks of grinding our government to a snail's pace for them to get to a point where maybe they will agree on a speaker.

House Republicans then called a press conference where they huddled very tightly behind the podium (and Johnson), and pretended to take questions from the press. The first question came from ABC News’ Rachel Scott, who asked, “Mr. Johnson, you helped to lead the efforts to overthrow the 2020 election—” before being cut off and booed by the gaggle of Republicans, most vociferously by Rep. Virginia Foxx of North Carolina, who told the reporter to “shut up” and “go away.”

Undeterred, Scott asked a follow-up about whether Johnson would support more aid to Ukraine and Israel—an important question as to how both countries are engaged in serious military conflicts and are technically our allies. Scott was once again met with a chorus of boos, with people like Rep. Lauren Boebert yelling, “You already asked your question,” and Johnson smugly saying, “We’re not doing any policy tonight.”

The potential speaker of the House calls a press conference but doesn’t want to discuss policy. In the end, like everything the Republican Party does now, this was simply a theatrical production. No substance. Nothing for the American people. What a “diverse” group this Republican Party is. You have everything from white hair to heavily dyed auburn-looking hair.

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