Rwanda bill has Tories outcompeting each other to new levels of insanity

10 months ago 45

Not even the death of an asylum seeker on the Bibby Stockholm can rein in MPs’ fervor to trample over the international law

First as tragedy. Then as farce. It’s come to this. Amazed that the Tory party can even look itself in the face, let alone the country. A government that has long since given up any pretence of governing, whose only principle is to have no principles. An amoral semi-sentient mass whose only goal is its own survival. Propped up by those who should know better.

It’s like we never left 2018. Those lawless days when Tory was pitted against Tory in a never-ending Brexit war. Each one high on their own self-regard. A drug-fuelled orgy of narcissistic indulgence. Each MP certain they were the Chosen One. The Messiah blessed with the higher knowledge of The Will of the People. Hell-bent on taking us all down with them. Mark Francois, Steve Baker and Bill Cash. Take a bow. Your names liveth forevermore.

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