Saturday Vote-Climate March & Rally

1 year ago 67


In this newsletter:

  • VOTE CLIMATE Edition Global Strike Oct 7th 1-4 pm 135 Albert St
  • Vote Climate Table: Korero. Sign up to vote. And more
  • Thursdays Komitianga Sq Lunchtime
  • Final Avondale Markets Sundays if not raining Oct 7.
  • Vote climate North Shore Picket
  • Restore Passenger Rail – Mobilising in Tāmaki Makaurau
  • End Urban SUVs – get your stickers now
  • Climate Café, Monthly CBD

VOTE CLIMATE Edition Global Strike
Oct 7th 1-4 pm 135 Albert St

Needed: Flag bearers, banner holders leafleters and people to korero.

Auckland Council to Albert Park

RALLY UP FAM! The time to vote for a livable future is NOW! We no longer have time to waste with decision makers that will not take real climate action to tackle the intersectional issue that is the climate crisis.

Which Government will lead with kindness? As supermarkets make record profits yet increasing numbers of people can’t afford to eat good food? WHO WILL STAND

Which Government will fight for the safety of our environment? As fisheries scrap up our ocean floor with bottom trawling, and Japan dumps radioactive nuclear waste, WHO WILL STAND?

Which Government will create a fair society? As teachers, nurses, firefighters, and front line workers struggle to meet their basic living costs, WHO WILL STAND?

Don’t take this one lying down fam, the decisions being made today will impact the rest of our lives! Our living Earth is a sacred gift, we must come together!


Continuing our parade across the City we pick up where we left off, rallying at Auckland Council at 1pm and marching together to Albert Park where we will hear speeches from our community leaders at 2pm.

PS we know it’s “technically” not a strike because we’re not leaving work, but the cost of living and lack of policy means it’s not legal for us to walk off our jobs, nor can we afford too. we still OUT HERE tho.


Banner holders, Flag bearers, leafleters, Conversationalists, people for signing up on the elctoral roll and to XR newsletter.

XR Vote Climate campaign

We are in the final stages of the Election Campaign. The Greens and Te Pāti Māori are looking promising for greater representation.

Triple your vote: get three more people to vote. Overall the age group 18-25 are under enrolled.

Extinction Rebellion Vote Climate info tables:

  • Komititanga Sq Thursday lunchtimes: Text Margaret: 022 474 3073
  • Final Avondale Markets Sundays Oct 7th Text Adam: 027 351 7026
  • K’Rd 1st Thursdays Oct 5. Text Caril 021 188 3933
  • Oteha Valley Road Picket every Wednesday or Friday 8-9 am intersection before motorway on-ramp. Vote Climate Placards. Contact Pat 027 634 0902

We are stickering postering and leafleting. Please help.

Restore Passenger Rail Action

RPR are in a moblisation phase. Watch for notices of the Welcome talks, non-violent action trainings and supportive actions.

Contact Robin: 021 651 677 or Madga 022 697 3637


1st Sundays, 10.30 am at the Art Gallery Café CBD.

Informal. Relaxed. Great company. What ever you want ot chat about regarding the climate crisis and what to do about it in Tāmaki Makaurau – Auckland. There is so much happening. You are not alone in your anxiety about the crisis. Catch up with all that is happening. Find out where and how you can join in. A perfect introduction and way to stay in contact with Rebels

Contact Adam: 027 351 7926 or Contact Charlotte: 021 110 4420

END Urban SUVs.

Urban SUVs are killing people, killing the planet Aotearoa New Zealand is failing in emissions reductions commitment, and the clean care rebate isn’t enough.

Get your starter pack now. Only $10. Email


  • Planning meetings – help make actions happen 1st & 3rd Mondays 6.30pm Zoom meetings
  • Be the minute taker/facilitator
  • Be a Red/Green Rebel
  • Help with designing and making banners and placards
  • Help with the Website/Social media/data bases.
  • Help with press releases.
  • Do a nonviolent action training to get ready for disruptive effective action
  • And much more – think of your strengths and talk to us.

Can’t join actions?

Every campaign needs finance. Please donate through Kiwibank 38-9022-0356965-00

We have spent about $600 on the election campaign getting leaflets posters and stickers. A huge thanks to everyone who has made a donation. Your contributions are making a big difference.

He uri tātou me ngā toiora katoa, ‘He muka nā te taura here a Ranginui rāua ko Papatūānuku.’ Ko tā tātou mahi he tieki i ngā tāonga me te mauriora i whakatōkia ai ki a Papatūānuku.

We are kin with all of life, ‘a strand in the enveloping life thread of Ranginui and Papatūānuku.’ Our responsibility is to tend and guard the riches and the vital ‘mauri’ that was implanted on Papatūānuku.

Race to Zero Emissions for 1.5 or <2 degrees

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