Sen. Josh Hawley posts moronic tweet about Israel and Ukraine, earns well-deserved backlash

10 months ago 59

What can be said about Sen. Josh Hawley that hasn’t been angrily scrawled on the inside of a public bathroom stall? His cringe-filled brand of toxic masculinity is just one of the many clearly inauthentic traits that make him one of the two most despised people in the Senate. His most recent escapades into fabricating reality have been around blaming the Democratic Party for Republican disarray in the House of Representatives.

It’s unfortunate that such a ludicrous person as Hawley is in the halls of power at such an internationally fraught time. Regardless of what you may think about the war in Israel and Gaza, the lack of a response by the United States’ Congress is due to the chaos and power-struggling going on inside of the Republican Party. End of story. Whatever action you do or do not support from the U.S. government cannot be enacted with a broken Republican Party, unable to even agree upon a speaker.

On Monday, Hawley tweeted out a truly useless idea: “Israel is facing existential threat. Any funding for Ukraine should be redirected to Israel immediately.” Hawley’s penchant for ignorantly spewing bluster-fueled nonsense was quickly undercut by his own leadership. Not long after his moronic tweet, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell published an op-ed in The Wall Street Journal pushing for tying together Ukraine, Israel, and Taiwan emergency foreign aid spending. Republicans in disarray much?

Rightly, Hawley’s tweet received the sort of backlash reserved for the most loathed public officials among us.

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