Shell pauses Rotterdam biodiesel plant construction

2 months ago 39

Shell has halted construction on a major biofuel plant in Rotterdam, citing technical difficulties as the reason for the delay.

Jillian Ambrose reports for The Guardian.

In short:

  • The biofuel plant, started in 2021, was set to produce 820,000 tonnes of biofuels annually by 2025.
  • The project faced technical issues, prompting a temporary pause to reassess and optimize construction processes.
  • This pause is part of Shell's broader shift, reducing its green initiatives in favor of more profitable oil and gas projects.

Key quote:

“Low-carbon fuels form a key part of Shell’s ambitions to provide affordable and sustainable products to our customers.”

— Shell spokesperson.

Why this matters:

The delay in Shell's biodiesel plant reflects broader industry struggles to transition to sustainable energy. Traditional diesel fuels are known contributors to air pollution, which poses significant health risks, including respiratory and cardiovascular diseases. Biodiesel, by contrast, burns cleaner and produces fewer pollutants, offering a healthier alternative for communities around the world.

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