So much happening. What are you doing?

1 year ago 75

Tena koe,



“New Zealanders are increasingly concerned about the impact of climate change, but fewer believe that the government has a clear plan in place to tackle it.”

We need a government that has a ‘clear plan in place to tackle’ the climate crisis. Help to get more people out to vote, voting and voting climate.

Huge welcome to our new members joining for the Vote Climate campaign and more. We look forward to you joining us on the streets, helping out everywhere you can, as requested below.

In this newsletter:

  • Vote Climate
  • End Urban SUVs
  • Auckland Transport Board Meeting August 29
  • Individual Council Consultation
  • Restore Passenger Rail
  • Climate Shift
  • Tapatahi: Coalition for a People’s Aotearoa
  • Climate Café

Vote Climate

The Election campaign has started. To minimise the likelihood of a strong Act/National coalition we need people to vote. To vote climate. Help out on the info tables:

K Rd First Thursdays: August 3, September 7 & October 5. From 5 -9pm. Contact Charlotte 0211104420 or Caril 0211883933

Avondale Markets: Early Sunday mornings. Starting September 17. Contact Lynx 021730044 or Adam 0273517026

Rodney District: Mangawhai and more. Contact Jill 02102570468

With posters, leaflets and cards, we talk about this opportunity to make a difference. We are not saying who to vote for. Some general electorates it will be best to vote Labour to prevent National winning. There are a few electorates that just might go Green. Some Māori electorates it is best to vote Te Pati Māori, others Labour, and others Green! But above all it is the Party Vote, the second tick that will determine the Government.

Help on the information table. Have fun making a difference.

END Urban SUVs

Have you got your starter pack yet? Use your frustration at these urban polluters counteracting all the good work we are doing with our lifestyle changes, transitioning to public transport, walking cycling and EVs. Leaflets for placing on the windscreens are being developed. And a list of the worst urban SUVs. Contact Mairi 02040417695 or Adam 0273517026 now. Or email Koha appreciated.

Auckland Transport Board meeting August 29

Join XR getting the message across to the Auckland Transport Board that they have a responsibility under TERP (Transport Emissions Reduction Plan) to act now. We must get the emissions down. Transport is one of the biggest emitters in this city. We need Auckland Transport to widen our transport options to public transport, walking, cycling etc, and more. The excuse of lack of funds is too short sighted, leaving us open to the untenable mitigation of ongoing severe floods, drought and related food shortages, fires, storms and related infrastructure damage.

Mairi is presenting to the August Board Meeting. Can you be there to support her? Help hold a banner, hand out leaflets hold a placard etc. Contact Caril 0211883933

Fashion Rebellion Fashion Show September 28

8% of the world’s emissions are calculated to be from the fast fashion industry. Fashion Rebellion is a radical waste diversion operation, processing creative upcycled solutions from any material. See this report:

Help with the XR Vote Climate table on Sept 28. Contact Caril 0211883933

Council Consultation

Have you contributed to the Council Consultation: The local boards have their plans out. Have your say. Make sure they get the message that the climate crisis must be addressed at the level of urban planning.

Amanda Dudding, Research Director, Public Affairs, Ipsos New Zealand: “New Zealanders are still overestimating the impact actions like recycling, growing your own food, using less packaging and buying fewer items will have in contributing to the reduction in greenhouse emissions and underestimating the actions that might be harder to do, but will have a far greater impact such as living car free, using public transport or improving housing for energy efficiency.”

Restore Passenger Rail

Imagine not needing to fly or have a car to travel around the country. There is significant discussion re the need for intercity rail. Once electrified this will assist with dropping the county’s emissions. An easy change with a great outcome.

Public meetings are happening in the build up to the action phase. August 8th Mt Eden Community Centre. August 14th Parnell Library, August 23rd Old Folks Assoc building Arch Hill.

To attend or help with hosting etc contact: Robin 0210651677.

Climate Shift:

You will have signed the petition for the ten point plan addressing the climate crisis. If not go here:

We are part of this coalition building towards a movement. There is a first focus on the election, endorsing and amplifying what we are already doing. There will be a social media campaign.

Tapatahi: Coalition for a Peoples Aotearoa

An alliance of groups that have been campaigning and advocating for a better Aotearoa in many different aspects for many years. While these groups represent a cross-section of Aotearoa, the movement welcomes all of those that support the same goals for a country that works for all of us.


  • To help build a strong progressive movement in Aotearoa, united round a common vision and demands, where groups support one another’s mahi and campaigns
  • To foster the growth of new forms and practices within the old society, without losing sight of the need for deep transformation in existing structures of power and ownership

In the first instance read then sign the petition:


1st Saturday & 3rd Sundays, 10.30 am at the Art Gallery Café CBD.

A perfect introduction and way to stay in contact with Rebels. Informal. Relaxed. Great company. Catch up with all that is happening. Find out where and how you can join in.

Contact Adam: 0273517926 or Contact Charlotte: 0211104420 or Colin

North Shore Monthly CLIMATE CAFE

2nd Sundays 10 am Java Jungle in Browns Bay for XR members or anyone potentially interested in climate activism. Contact Justine 021819169


Every Wednesday or Friday 8-9 am North Shore Rebels picket at Oteha Valley Road intersection before motorway on-ramp. Bring placards and banners. Or you can use what we already have. Leaflets for interested drivers. Contact Pat 0276340902

Other Ways You Can Help

  • Planning meetings – help make actions happen 1st & 3rd Mondays 6.30pm Zoom meetings
  • Be the minute taker/facilitator
  • Be a Red/Green Rebel
  • Help with designing and making banners and placards
  • Help with the Website/Social media/data bases.
  • Help with press releases.
  • Do a non-violent action training to get ready for disruptive effective action

And much more – think of your strengths and talk to us.

Can’t join the actions?

Every campaign needs finance. Please donate through Kiwibank 38-9022-0356965-00

A huge thanks to everyone who has made a donation. Your contributions are making a big difference.

He uri tātou me ngā toiora katoa, ‘He muka nā te taura here a Ranginui rāua ko Papatūānuku.’ Ko tā tātou mahi he tieki i ngā tāonga me te mauriora i whakatōkia ai ki a Papatūānuku.

We are kin with all of life, ‘a strand in the enveloping life thread of Ranginui and Papatūānuku.’ Our responsibility is to tend and guard the riches and the vital ‘mauri’ that was implanted on Papatūānuku.

Race to Zero Emissions for 1.5 or <2 degrees

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