Social Media User Faces Execution In Iran For Criticism

11 months ago 38

Ali Akbar Zaz

Social Media User Faces Execution In Iran For Criticism

Friday, 10/27/2023

A human rights group has reported that Iran’s judiciary has brought charges against a man that are punishable by death for posting negative comments about the regime.

Hengaw Organization for Human Rights said on Thursday that 39-year-old Ali Akbar Zaz has been accused of ‘Sab Al-Nabi’ or insulting the prophet and ‘Moharebeh’ or enmity against God. These are vaguely defined charges which carry a death sentence.

Zaz was arrested in June 2023 by security forces at his home in Tehran for criticizing the Islamic Republic on social media, according to Hengaw.

The human rights group also reported that Zaz has told his family on a telephone call that during his detention he has been subjected to torture and forced confessions.

The Islamic Republic has been ramping up execution practices since the anti-regime protests began last year after the death of Mahsa Amini. Arrested for not wearing her hijab properly, Amini was found to have been dealt severe blows to the head. 

Iran executed protestors for taking part in the nationwide uprising which human rights groups called “horrifying” and “chilling”.

“These executions are designed by the Iranian authorities to send a strong message to the world and the people of Iran that they will stop at nothing to crush and punish dissent.”

“In the absence of a robust international response, the authorities will continue to revel, unabated, in their impunity with lethal consequences for people in Iran,” said Amnesty International regarding the wave of executions in Iran.

Zaz remains in prison with no sentencing reductions made to his case, Hengaw said.

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