Social Sciences, Vol. 12, Pages 199: Is Virtual Communication Possible in Intergenerational Programs? The SIMUL Project

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Social Sciences, Vol. 12, Pages 199: Is Virtual Communication Possible in Intergenerational Programs? The SIMUL Project

Social Sciences doi: 10.3390/socsci12040199

Authors: Miriam González-Afonso María del Carmen Estévez-Moreira Andrea Delgado-Castro David Pérez-Jorge

Intergenerational relationships are becoming increasingly rare. Thus, intergenerational programs are a strategy to establish relationships between generations. This article describes the socio-educational experience of the third edition of the SIMUL Intergenerational Project of the Education Service of the Cabildo Insular de Tenerife and the University of La Laguna, developed virtually during the COVID-19 pandemic. The following questions arise: Can an intergenerational project be developed through virtual meetings? What are the socio-educational experiences gained during the Intergenerational Project (academic year 2020–2021) by young and older participants? The evaluation of the application and development of the project showed high participant satisfaction; however, communication barriers derived from the virtual modality were detected. It could be concluded that while face-to-face modality is more effective for the development of the experience, the virtual approach is only interesting when certain requirements and strategies for the virtualization of intergenerational meetings are met. For these types of programs to be successful from a virtual approach, it is essential to plan spaces for informal encounters that enable knowledge and exchange as a basis for the establishment of intergenerational relationships. A requirement in these virtual meetings is that each participant has his or her own device to participate in these meetings.

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