Speaker Johnson creates pre-shutdown chaos

11 months ago 42

When exhausted and embittered House Republicans ended three weeks of leaderless disarray by finally settling on some dude who seemed nice, they likely thought that they were ending the chaos. They thought wrong. They elected a guy who isn’t a Freedom Caucus member in name but is decidedly one in spirit. New Speaker Mike Johnson’s first week of leadership showed that he’s relying on the worst people and their ridiculous ideas, creating even more complications between now and the government funding deadline that’s just two weeks away: Nov. 17.

Johnson got a “win” Thursday when the House passed his poisoned $14.5 billion Israel assistance bill with mostly Republican votes. Ten Democrats voted for the doomed bill once it was clear it had enough Republican votes to pass. Democratic leadership likely signed off on that with the knowledge that there’s no way this bill is going to become law. It increases the deficit by taking money away from the IRS and is basically a gift to the Republicans' rich, tax-cheating friends.

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