Sunoco’s roadmap: From tank to track to trial

3 hours ago 21

Just like racing, a healthy democracy is noisy, fast, and exciting. Unfortunately, Sunoco’s parent company Energy Transfer is trying to SILENCE the voices of people who oppose their pipelines and other fossil fuel projects.

Behind the scenes, this well-known racing fuel producer is connected to one of the most serious attempts to STOP people from speaking out against corporate polluters or peacefully protesting – Sunoco is owned by Energy Transfer. 

Sunoco has been the official fuel of NASCAR since 2004 and is expanding its motorsports involvement with a Formula 1 partnership starting in 2024. Most racings fans might be surprised to learn that Sunoco is a subsidiary of Energy Transfer (ET), a company behind an absurd and meritless US$ 300 million lawsuit against Greenpeace International and Greenpeace entities in the US. And while Sunoco itself may not be driving this attack on protest and free speech, if they believe in fair play they should have the courage to stand up to their parent.

Sunoco don't silence protest. Tell Energy Transfer to stop silencing protestSunoco don’t silence protest. Tell Energy Transfer to stop silencing protest

Inside Energy Transferʻs SLAPP

Peaceful protest and free speech are fundamental human rights that underpin social progress. The Energy Transfer US$ 300 million lawsuit against Greenpeace is an abuse of the legal system and a blatant attempt to silence legitimate work to protect people and our planet.

This lawsuit is a classic example of a Strategic Lawsuit Against Public Participation (SLAPP),  a type of abusive lawsuit used by corporate power to suppress free speech and people power. This SLAPP makes allegations that affect people far beyond Greenpeace. It attempts to rewrite the history of the Indigenous-led opposition movement against the Dakota Access Pipeline at Standing Rock – by absurdly alleging that Greenpeace orchestrated the entire resistance. It seeks to hold the Greenpeace organizations in the US and Greenpeace International accountable for actions taken by unaffiliated and unknown individuals. This could have a chilling effect on anyone engaged in peaceful protest and assembly.

Is this attack on the right to protest what Sunoco is fueling?

Donʻt Be Silenced! 

You can take action to let Sunoco — and its parent company, Energy Transfer — know that you donʻt give a green light to this SLAPP. Join the nearly 500 organisations, tens of thousands of individuals, and a growing list of public figures who signed the petition to let Energy Transfer know that #ImWithGreenpeace.

Sunoco don't silence protest. Tell Energy Transfer to stop silencing protest
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