Sustainability, Vol. 15, Pages 1801: Gender Diversity and Business Performance Nexus: A Synoptic Panorama Based on Bibliometric Network Analysis

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Sustainability, Vol. 15, Pages 1801: Gender Diversity and Business Performance Nexus: A Synoptic Panorama Based on Bibliometric Network Analysis

Sustainability doi: 10.3390/su15031801

Authors: Victoria Bogdan Dorina-Nicoleta Popa Mărioara Beleneşi Luminița Rus Carmen-Mihaela Scorțe

Board gender diversity literature has demonstrated the positive influence of female leaders’ traits, such as openness to negotiation and collaboration, greater flexibility in approaching professional tasks, and improved quality of life, on the business development strategy and consequently on the performance of the companies. This study aims to investigate gender diversity’s link to business performance through bibliometric network analysis, highlighting the scientific literature dynamics through a scientific mapping of the existing knowledge. The temporal evolution of the gender diversity and business performance nexus in the scientific publications selected from Web of Science was examined for 1996–2021, investigating more than 2000 documents and focusing on author, keyword, paper, journal, and topic analysis. The statistical processing of publications was performed in R using Bibliometrix and Biblioshiny software, revealing the most influential and prolific authors and also the most representative journals. Results of the panoramic synopsis analysis revealed outstanding research trends, topics related to women and business performance including women directors, firm performance, issues of board diversity including size, structure, board gender diversity, and independence of members, and issues connected to leadership and gender with items such as gender equality, diversity management, women on boards, and culture.

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