Take Action

1 year ago 99

Tena koe,

The theme of the call to action at the Global Strike last Friday was to take action, imperfect action, but action. The best way to deal with climate anxiety: take action. We have actions for you to join.

Let’s make the climate crisis a big issue this election:


Join a climate activist group

Take action

XR Protestors, blocking the entrance to Fonterra

Upcoming Actions:

  • Nonviolent action training March 25 10.30 – 3.30 113 Mt Eden Rd
  • NO CUTS: AKL Council Budget Challenge March 30. 10 am Town Hall
  • Auckland Transport: Roster to attend Board meetings
  • Fortnightly CLIMATE CAFE Alternating Saturday & Sunday mornings
  • Weekly Every Friday 8am North Shore picket at Oteha Valley Road intersection before motorway on-ramp
  • Monthly: North Shore CLIMATE CAFE 2nd Sunday April 9th 10 am Java Jungle Browns Bay
  • April: Restore Passenger Rail – April 14th on. In Te Whanganui a Tara/Wellington
  • Saturday 22nd April Earth Day Event
  • Easter: Taranaki action organised by Climate Justice
  • Challenging the Urban SUVs. Coming.

So many opportunities for you to positively express your anxiety and anger at the decades of inaction, leading to these unprecedented but expected storms, fires and droughts, with the related food insecurity. This is the time to act

Saturday March 25th 10.30 – 3.30 Non-violent Action Training

113 Mt Eden Rd Friends Centre, Quakers.

Are you getting ready for the disruptive action RPR & XR are using to move things along more quickly? If so this training is for you. While this is a 4.5 hour workshop, it is not an introduction to NVDA. It is preferably you have attended a Restore Passenger Rail Talk. However all are welcome. Contact Sarah 0210651677

Find out more…

XR Protester outside Fonterra HQ  

Council budget Challenge: planning happening now

Join Mairi and team. On our behalf they are submitting a detailed response to the proposed budget.

You can also do a personal submission here: https://akhaveyoursay.aucklandcouncil.govt.nz/2023-2024-budget-glance. Want support? Contact Coalition Against Cuts: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100090544115211

Then come to the Council Meeting: March 30, 10 am. Auckland Town Hall.

We need the public gallery packed out. We need banner holders. Wear your XR/climate action T shirts and badges. Be there. Dont let this Council slip on the action for a livable planet and great community.

Contact Mairi: 02040417695 or Phil 0212593163

AT Auckland Transport

Join the roster to keep the laggards on their toes. The policy is made. What is holding up progress? People towards the end of their careers are not willing to change the way it’s always been done! We are making a roster to share the load to attending the day long meetings. Be there. Wear your climate activist T Shirts and badges. One morning or one after noon. Usually once a month only. This is not disruptive. Yet…

Contact Phil 0212593163

Fortnightly CLIMATE CAFÉ: Alternating Saturday & Sunday mornings

A perfect introduction and way to stay in contact with Rebels. Informal. Relaxed. Great company. Catch up with all that is happening. Find out where and how you can join in.

Sunday: April 2nd. Art Gallery Café 10.30. Contact Adam: 0273517926

April Saturday 15th Art Gallery Café 10.30. Contact Charlotte 0211104420

Monthly: North Shore CLIMATE CAFE

2nd Sunday April 9th North Shore 10 am Java Jungle in Browns Bay for XR members or anyone potentially interested in climate activism.Contact Justine 021819169


Every Friday 8am North Shore Rebels picket at Oteha Valley Road intersection before motorway on-ramp. Bring placards and banners. Or you can use what we already have. Leaflets for interested drivers. Contact Pat 0276340902

Find out more…

Restore Passenger Rail Action commences on Over Shoot Day April 14th

Join a Zoom Talk “Our Responsibility at This Time”. Come to the Non-violent Training on Saturday next March 25 (see above). Then join our friends from RPR for the civil disobedience that get the attention of the media and the decision makers. If you are serious about getting the political will to do what is necessary to maintain an ecosystem that will support the lives we have created, this is for you. There are many supportive roles (Photographer, media liaison, Police liaison, de-escalator, Arrestee support, and, more) for the arrestable actions.

More details and registration here: https://restorepassengerrail.nz/

Saturday 22nd April Earth Day Event

Details in the next newsletter, but a networking picnic is rumoured.


  • Planning meetings – help make actions happen Fortnightly Zoom meetings
  • Be the minute taker
  • Be a Red Rebel
  • Help with designing and making banners and placards
  • Help with the Website/Social media/databases.
  • Help with press releases.
  • Do a non-violent action training to get ready for disruptive effective action
  • And much more – think your strengths and talk to us.

XR Protestors, blocking the entrance to Fonterra

Can’t Join Actions?

Every campaign needs finance. Please donate through Kiwibank 38-9022-0356965-00

A huge thanks to everyone who has made a donation. Your contributions are making a big difference.

Mena kotahi te rākau ka whati, ki te kāpuia e kore rawa. Mā ngā tikanga e whakamanawa ana i te mahinga tahinga o te iwi e ora ai tātou.

Should there be but one stick it will break. If it is bundled with others, never. The etiquette that encourages working together will ensure our survival.

Race to Zero Emissions for 1.5 or <2 degrees

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