Tell your senators: Don’t erase protections for endangered wolves

1 year ago 46

U.S. Rep. Lauren Boebert’s bill to strip protections from gray wolves just got its first hearing.1 We have to stop it now.

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Wolves all across the country are in danger.

We remember all too well the last time the federal government weakened protections for the gray wolf. Where protections were lowered, hundreds of wolves were slaughtered.

The Boebert bill would allow hunters and trappers to kill wolves anywhere they’re found throughout the Lower 48 states.

That’s why we’re urging you to act: Tell your senators to oppose Rep. Boebert’s bill.

When wolves lose endangered species protections, they die.

Boebert’s bill would not only overturn the gray wolf’s endangered species protections across the U.S. It would also block the reinstatement of wolf protections in the Northern Rockies. It would remove these decisions from the scientists and experts at the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. And it would block judges from reviewing cases when protections are dropped or weakened.

Ironically, Rep. Boebert has called her bill the “Trust the Science Act.”2 You can’t make this stuff up.

In 2020, when the Trump administration weakened the wolf’s federal endangered species protections, it didn’t take long for people to kill hundreds of wolves across Montana, Idaho, Wyoming and Wisconsin.

In 2021, hunters even shot dead 24 of Yellowstone’s gray wolves when they roamed outside of the park — the biggest loss of wolf life there since they were reintroduced 25 years ago.3

Take action to protect wolves from this harmful bill today.

How do we stop the Boebert bill?

That’s where Environmental Action supporters like you come in. Raise your voice. Tell your senators to oppose the Boebert bill and protect the gray wolf.

This is a chance to save wolf lives. And it’s a chance to send Congress a message it needs to hear: that there are thousands of us who are willing to raise our voices for the wild animals we love.

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  1. Caitlyn Kim, “Rep. Lauren Boebert’s bill to delist gray wolves from the Endangered Species Act gets its first hearing,” Colorado Public Radio, March 23, 2023.
  2. Caitlyn Kim, “Rep. Lauren Boebert’s bill to delist gray wolves from the Endangered Species Act gets its first hearing,” Colorado Public Radio, March 23, 2023.
  3. Corryn Wetzel, “Judge Restores Federal Protections for Gray Wolves in 44 States,” The Smithsonian Magazine, February 15, 2022.

The post Tell your senators: Don’t erase protections for endangered wolves appeared first on Environmental Action.

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