The House is stuck, with no new speaker in sight. What happens next?

1 year ago 57

Ten days after eight Republicans ousted former House Speaker Kevin McCarthy, they are even further from finding their next scapegoat leader. The nominee Republicans picked Wednesday, Majority Leader Steve Scalise, gave up Thursday after failing to woo the opposition. Some in the Scalise camp are adamantly against his rival, Rep. Jim Jordan, who may or may not continue his bid. The Republicans meet again Friday morning—at least those who are still in town. 

Meanwhile, government funding runs out in roughly five weeks. Israel and Ukraine urgently need aid. And Republicans are wallowing in nihilism, recriminations, preening, and self-promotion. It’s impossible to know what happens next. House Republicans are capable of just about anything (except governing), but there are some ideas being floated for how to break the impasse.

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