The House Ways and Means Committee releases six years of Trump’s tax returns

1 year ago 61

UPDATE: Friday, Dec 30, 2022 · 3:08:04 PM +00:00 · Rebekah Sager


Today, the Committee released the final piece of supporting evidence in our investigation into the IRS's mandatory audit program under the prior administration.

Find Attachment E here ⬇️

— Ways & Means Committee (@WaysMeansCmte) December 30, 2022

UPDATE: Friday, Dec 30, 2022 · 3:05:25 PM +00:00 · Rebekah Sager

CNN reports that the returns show Trump carried a $105 million loss in 2015 and $73 million in 2016. This confirms a report from the Joint Committee on Taxation that the former President used his substantial losses to erase much of his tax burden. 

UPDATE: Friday, Dec 30, 2022 · 3:02:38 PM +00:00 · Rebekah Sager

According to The Washington Post, Trump paid virtually nothing in taxes in the six years of released records—including the four he served in office. 

After years of refusals and claims that he couldn’t possibly release his taxes as they were under “audit,” thanks to House Democrats, former President Donald Trump’s taxes were disclosed Friday.

The release comes after a vote from the House Ways and Means Committee last week to release the documents, CNN reports. The committee, which is responsible for oversight of the Internal Revenue Service, announced that annual audits of Trump’s taxes only happened in 2019—just once in his four years in office.

The committee released six years of Trump’s personal and business taxes from 2015 to 2020, according to the Associated Press (AP).  

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