The SKY FYI Children's Climate Education Survey

1 year ago 16

If you missed this weekend's SKY FYI Children's Climate Change Survey Special, then you would not have seen them feature one of the very first eduCCate Global Climate Change Teachers in the world and the very first UK School where every teacher achieved their eduCCate Global Climate Change Teacher Full Certification. But, that was way back in 2019 and we have moved on considerably since then! Here's the part about Schools and Teachers (we've cut out the best bit just for you because we know how the social media algorithms have shortened even our attention spans but, most importantly, how busy you all are). 2022/2023 Update! We have been working on the Climate Education Survey/Diagnostic toolkit this year, with OPEN and a core group of exceptional Sustainability & Climate Literacy Lead Teachers, Headteachers, Professors and even a Director of Education and Children to ensure we get it just right. The first six schools to Alpha test the Climate Education Survey/Diagnostic toolkit in November 2022 are working with us to ensure we develop a clear step-by-step outline that's easy to follow for all schools. In January/February 2023, another 100 schools will take part in the Beta test of the Climate Education Survey/Diagnostic toolkit for a follow on "tweak". We will then make the Climate Education Survey/Diagnostic Toolkit available to all UK schools in June 2023. There's a whole lot more in the pipeline to announce but it will keep, for now. From the team here at eduCCate Global, we look forward to taking Climate Education to the next level. Exciting times ahead!
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