There’s something missing from the news right now—or rather, someone

1 month ago 37

If you scan the front pages of the nation’s newspapers on Thursday, you’ll find that President Joe Biden's historic and moving speech is at the top of papers across the nation.

Biden’s call to defend American democracy, personal sacrifice, and passing the torch to a new generation is not just front-page news at The Washington Post, it can be found from coast to coast to coast to coast to coast.

And Vice President Kamala Harris is there receiving that torch. She's there on the LA Times, and she's there on The New York Times. She's there in Georgia, and North Carolina, and Pennsylvania. Stories about Harris’ campaign and the enthusiasm and energy it’s generating are everywhere.

But something else is missing. There's something different about the headlines. Something that makes all these papers less gloomy, less angry, less ... orange.

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