Three More Protesters Sentenced To Death In Iran

1 year ago 53

Javad Rouhi

Iranian protester Javad Rouhi

Reports say three more Iranian citizens arrested during antigovernment protests in Iran’s northern city of Nowshahr, have been sentenced to death.

The three are identified as Javad Rouhi, Kimia Javadi and Mehdi Mohammadifar.

Mizan news agency affiliated with the judiciary said Tuesday that Javad Rouhi was sentenced to death on charges of "corruption on earth" and "moharebeh" or “War against God”.

The Judiciary claimed Javad Rouhi has been one of the leaders of the protests in the city and insulted the religious sanctities by setting fire to Quran.

Mizan claimed that five people have been killed during the protests in Nowshahr on December 11 when Javad Rouhi “was leading the unrest”.

The accusations come as the regime does not let the defendants have access to their lawyers and holds sham trials based on forced confessions.

Mizan wrote that the decision can be appealed in the Supreme Court.

According to the Norway-based Iran Human Rights Organization, at least 109 Iranian protesters are currently at risk of execution or facing death sentences.

Iran Human Rights organization also stressed that repression through arbitrary arrests, physical torture, sexual assault and rape in detention and the mass issuance of sentences has been intensified.

The Islamic Republic has executed four protesters up to now amid international condemnations.

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