Trump plans to dismantle climate funding from key law if elected

1 week ago 29

Donald Trump announced his intention to pull back unspent funds from the Inflation Reduction Act, a key climate law, should he win the 2024 election, sparking concern over its impact on climate projects, especially in Republican districts.

Kelsey Tamborrino reports for Politico.

In short:

  • Donald Trump vowed to cancel unused funds from the Inflation Reduction Act, targeting climate and energy programs.
  • He floated a government efficiency commission, possibly led by Elon Musk, aimed at reducing government waste.
  • The Biden administration has already allocated billions in climate funding, but much remains unspent, creating potential legal battles over clawing back those funds.

Key quote:

“I look forward to serving America if the opportunity arises. No pay, no title, no recognition is needed.”

— Elon Musk

Why this matters:

The Inflation Reduction Act is funneling billions into renewable energy projects, electric vehicles, and cleaner industry across the U.S.—including a lot of Republican-led states that could really use the cash. If Trump succeeds in cutting these funds, it could derail green energy jobs and infrastructure growth in areas that have started to see the benefits. Read more: House Speaker Mike Johnson’s climate change playbook — deny the science, take the funding.

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