Ukraine: Vulnerable Atomic Reactors Don’t Belong In a War Zone!

2 years ago 17

Join us tomorrow night Thursday, March 10, at 7 pm EST as filmmaker Robbie Leppzer of Turning Tide Productions interviews us [Arnie and Maggie Gundersen] live on

We will examine the dangers of atomic power reactors in a war zone and also talk about how we work with our colleague Dr. Marco Kaltofen to study how minute microparticles of radioactivity spread in the air we breathe, the water we drink, and the food we eat. Microparticles of radioactivity are dangerous. See for our cutting-edge work using citizen scientists to protect local communities!

Tomorrow, Thursday, March 10 is the eve of the tragic meltdowns in Fukushima, Japan. We all know Fukushima began on March 11, 2011. Do you know when Fukushima ended? You don't when Fukushima ended because it has not ended! Fukushima is the largest manmade disaster to occur anywhere in the world and it keeps on giving ongoing radioactivity to a once beautiful and amazing area of Japan, thereby contaminating its people.

When you join us you will also learn more about the tragedy in Ukraine and why nukes are not the answer to anything.

See you tomorrow, night 7 pm!

Remember Fairewinds will keep you informed!

Vulnerable atomic reactors in a war zone?!  

Please join us this Thursday, March 10, at 7 pm EST ( and 7 pm PST (, as we examine the dangers from nuclear power with Arnie and Maggie Gundersen of Fairewinds Energy Education and Kevin Kamps of Beyond Nuclear, following a virtual cinema screening of the 86-minute nuclear power documentary film POWER STRUGGLE. 

Immediately following the 7 pm EST screening, join us for a live online video discussion with the nuclear experts featured in the film, Arnie and Maggie Gundersen of Fairewinds Energy Education(, hosted by filmmaker Robbie Leppzer. What are the potential dangers of a nuclear disaster in Ukraine due to Russia’s invasion?  And, what are Fairewinds’ ongoing efforts to track the migration of radioactive contamination worldwide?

Immediately following the 7pm PST screening, join us for a live online video discussion with radioactive waste expert Kevin Kamps of Beyond Nuclear (, about the potential dangers of a nuclear disaster in Ukraine due to Russia’s invasion, as well as the long-term threats to human health posed by high-level radioactive waste worldwide and current battles in the U.S. over nuclear waste sites.

Fukushima’s triple meltdowns in Japan had a profound impact on the small state of Vermont, as the disaster occurred during a years-long citizens’ campaign to close down an aging problem-plagued Fukushima-style nuclear reactor.  Filmed over five years by director Robbie Leppzer, POWER STRUGGLE ( portrays Vermont’s heated political battle to shut down the Vermont Yankee nuclear power plant, located in southern Vermont on the banks of the Connecticut River.  Follow the unfolding drama as citizen activists and elected state officials—alarmed at increasing safety violations—take on the federal government and one of the biggest power companies in the United States to eventually win.  

Given what we contend within today’s world, this film is a timely and inspiring story of democracy in action!  How are citizens’ voices heard against big moneyed corporate interests?  And, how are real people making a difference in the lives of their communities as they create a sustainable energy future? 


Two Virtual Screenings on the Kinema movie platform:

POWER STRUGGLE - March 10 at 7pm EST

with a live post-screening video panel with nuclear experts Arnie and Maggie Gundersen of Fairewinds Energy Education.

POWER STRUGGLE - March 10 at 7pm PST

with a live post-screening video panel with nuclear waste expert Kevin Kamps of Beyond Nuclear.

Screening Tickets - $12 via the Kinema movie platform


Hosted by Turning Tide Films

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