USSR Ministry of Energy, "Regarding the Accident at Reactor No. 4 of the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant," Urgent Report to the CC CPSU Politburo | Eng - Ita | Chernobyl Declassified Documents

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USSR Ministry of Energy, "Regarding the Accident at Reactor No. 4 of the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant," Urgent Report to the CC CPSU Politburo

The Soviet Minister of Power and Electrification reports on an explosion and fire at the Chernobyl Atomic Power Station in Ukraine. The Soviet Ministry of Heath has determined that "it is not required to take special measures, including the evacuation of the population from the city."


First Deputy Minister of Energy and Electrification of the USSR


About the accident: At Energy Block No. 4 of Chernobyl NPS
Urgent Report 

On 04/26/86 at 1:21 AM during the decommissioning of energy block No. 4 of the Chernobyl NPS during planned maintenance, after the reactor had been stopped, there was an explosion in the upper part of the reactor compartment. 

According to the director of Chernobyl NPS the explosion caused the collapse of roofs and parts of the wall paneling of the reactor compartment, several panels of the roof in the machine hall and a unit of the auxiliary systems of the reactor compartment, and also a roof fire. 

At 3:30 AM the fire was extinguished.

Measures are being taken by the staff to cool down the active zone of the reactor.In the opinion of the three main administrators under the USSR Ministry of Health, the adoption of special measures, including evacuating the population from the city, is unnecessary. Nine operational personnel and 25 paramilitary fire protection personnel were hospitalized. Measures are being taken to eliminate the consequences and investigate the incident.

A.N. Makukhin

Translated by Brooke Lennox for the National Security Archive.


Il 26/04/86 alle 01:21 durante la disattivazione del blocco energetico n. 4 della centrale nucleare di Chernobyl durante la manutenzione programmata, dopo l'arresto del reattore, si è verificata un'esplosione nella parte superiore del vano reattore.

Secondo il direttore di Chernobyl NPS l'esplosione ha causato il crollo di tetti e parti della pannellatura delle pareti del vano reattore, diversi pannelli del tetto nella sala macchine e un'unità dei sistemi ausiliari del vano reattore, e anche un tetto fuoco.

Alle 3:30 l'incendio è stato spento.

Il personale sta adottando misure per raffreddare la zona attiva del reattore.

Secondo i tre principali amministratori del Ministero della Salute dell'URSS, l'adozione di misure speciali, inclusa l'evacuazione della popolazione dalla città, non è necessaria. 

Nove del personale operativo e 25 paramilitari di protezione antincendio sono stati ricoverati in ospedale. Si stanno adottando misure per eliminare le conseguenze e indagare sull'incidente.

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