Water, Vol. 15, Pages 649: Evaluation of Minimum and Suitable Ecological Flows of an Inland Basin in China Considering Hydrological Variation

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Water, Vol. 15, Pages 649: Evaluation of Minimum and Suitable Ecological Flows of an Inland Basin in China Considering Hydrological Variation

Water doi: 10.3390/w15040649

Authors: Saiyan Liu Qin Zhang Yangyang Xie Pengcheng Xu Huihua Du

Ecological flows in rivers are critical to the health and stability of river ecosystems, especially for inland drylands where ecological conditions are rapidly deteriorating. Climate change and human activities lead to hydrological variation, which in turn alters the hydrological and ecological balance of local ecosystems. Therefore, it is important to study the ecological flow under hydrological variation. In this study, the second-largest inland river basin in China, the Hei River Basin, was selected as the case study. The heuristic segmentation method, monthly minimum average flow method, the Lyon method, the average flow in the driest month method, and the monthly frequency method were employed to calculate the minimum and suitable ecological flow considering hydrological variation. Then, the results of the minimum and suitable ecological flow were evaluated and compared by the Tennant method. Finally, the ecological flows were recommended for the Hei River Basin after comparison and evaluation. Results show that: (1) It is necessary and feasible to calculate ecological flow demand considering hydrological variation in the Hei River Basin. (2) The evaluation results of the minimum ecological flow are mostly at a good level or above, and those of the suitable ecological flows are mostly at the optimum range. (3) Three scenarios with different periods and frequencies were set up to obtain suitable ecological flow; and it shows that the suitable ecological flow of scenario 3 (50% frequency in all months) has the best ecological benefits, and scenario 2 (frequency is taken as 75% in spring and autumn, 50% in summer, and 80% in winter) has the best comprehensive benefits. This study can provide important reference for water resources development and utilization and ecological protection in the Hei River Basin.

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