What does it even mean to claim voters elected George Santos, when everything was a lie?

1 year ago 58

Even as more and more of his past lies come to light, George Santos is as defiant about clinging to office as he has been brazen about lying, and he has the support of his Republican leadership. Kevin McCarthy, having squeaked out a speaker win, cannot afford to lose even a single member, and there’s a good chance a Democrat would win a special election to replace Santos. So they’re standing together, insisting, hilariously, that somehow it would violate the will of the voters for Santos to resign because He Was Elected.

After the county Republican Party in Santos’ district called on him to resign, Santos tweeted, “I was elected to serve the people of #NY03 not the party & politicians, I remain committed to doing that and regret to hear that local officials refuse to work with my office to deliver results to keep our community safe and lower the cost of living. I will NOT resign!”

RELATED STORY: A Santos resignation would spell disaster for an already paralyzed House GOP majority

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