XR Tāmaki Makaurau Newsletter – 2 August 2024

2 months ago 37


1. Fast Track Bill

2. Dismantling freshwater protections

3. Removing need to identify important areas of biodiversity

4. Transport:
• Emphasis on motorways, not public transport, cycles pedestrians: Inter Island Ferry. Fewer EVs more SUVs

5. Ocean:
• mining, removal cameras on fishing vessels, trawling

6. Greenhouse pollution:
• Oil & Gas exploration, Methane measurement, Emissions trading scheme, Agricultural emissions


In this newsletter:

  • Leafleting Q Theatre: Conversations in the climate era August 11th.
  • Community Dinner Ellen Meville 6 pm August 13th
  • Cruise Ship Action Komititanga Sq 8.30 am August 15th
  • All blacks not Oil Blacks Action 5-7pm Cnr Sandringham & Walters Rds August 17th.
  • North Shore Pickets Tuesdays: Otahe Valley Rd motorway intersection 20th & 27th
  • Climate Café September 1st. Auckland Art Gallery Cafe

Agitprop Theatre Troupe CBD July 12

Community Dinner

Tuesday August 13th 6pm. Ellen Melville Cnt

Come along and meet other activist and people working for justice.

A great chance to meet in a relaxed wau to chat over kair about what you are working on, make connections, strengthen relationships and make new friends.

Some kai will be provided. Bring and share appreciated.

Doors open at 6 pm. Karakia and kai at 6.30.

Hosted by CLA & XR TMK

Leafleting: Q Theatre: Scenes from the climate era

August 2nd – 24th

A couple discusses whether it’s ethical to have children. Scientists try to bio-engineer a new coral reef. A pilot spreads acid in the atmosphere. The last frog of its kind calls into the abyss for a mate.

A group of us are going to this on Sunday August 11th at 4 pm. We will be leafleting after this performance. If you are available, we would love to be leafleting at more performances.

Clowns meeting the Comedy Cruise June

Cruise Ship Action

Komititanga Sq 8.30 am August 15th

Cruise ships burn the dirtiest cheapest fuel and are responsible for 25% of the waste dumped at sea. Cruise ship emissions are four times higher than flying, per person. Most countries do not include international shipping or aviation in their emissions reduction plan.

See here for more details: https://foe.org/blog/cruise-ships-environmental-impact/

Join us to raise the fire alarm on destructive luxury emissions spewing from the cruise ship industry. Wear bright colours, bring noise makers, and let’s raise the alarm on this industry. Greet P&O cruise ship the Pacific Explorer to make it loud and clear that we value the moana and her creatures, clean air, and life on our home planet more than fancy holidays!

All blacks NOT Oil Blacks leafleting

August 17th 5-7pm Cnr Sandringham & Walters Rds.

The All Blacks are playing Argentina at Eden Park. It is likely a sell out crowd. We are ashamed that our precious top men’s rugby team is sponsored by Ineos petrochemical company. This is green/sports washing Ineos sponsors lots of community and sports groups around the world, covering their activities causing the climate crisis.

Join us in leafleting. If you are going to the game spend a bit of time with us first. For those of us not going to the game we will finish with hot soup and toast just up the road.

North Shore Pickets

Tuesday mornings August 20th and 27th. 8am

Oteha Valley Rd motorway intersection. For about an hour. Join Pat, Justine, and Jean. Increase awareness for climate action. Text Pat 0276340902

CBD Monthly Climate Café:

1st Sundays, 10.30 am at the Art Gallery Café CBD. August 4th

Informal. Relaxed. Great company. Whatever you want to chat about regarding the climate crisis and what to do about it in Tāmaki Makaurau – Auckland. There is so much happening. You are not alone in your anxiety about the crisis. Catch up with all that is happening. Find out where and how you can join in. A perfect introduction and way to stay in contact with Rebels.


Contact Adam: 0273517926, Justine 021819169

Can you help with the art Group?

This group is a little too thin on the ground. We need a few more people. The way it works is a request goes to the group and someone says they can do this. We needed Frog placards. But did them ourselves. They were OK but… We can help with the raw materials as required. It’s the inspiration and skills to create fun stuff (see the lethal mining equipment ‘Shane Jones’ attacked the Frogs with!!) Is this you? Text Caril 0211883933 to join the group chat

What is your contribution:

  • Letters to the Editor: Dennis and Emma are both keeping up a barrage of letters to Editors (NZ Herald and The Listener). Is this something you can help with?
  • Planning meetings – help make actions happen 1st & 3rd Mondays 6.30pm Zoom meetings
  • Organise the zoom. Welcome people as they login. Be the minute taker Text Caril 0211883933
  • Join the Agitprop Theatre troupes: with Peter, Primo, Jill, Lyndon & Margaret. Text 0224743073
  • Beyond Climate Anxiety Talks: Join Justine, Linde, Charlotte. Extend an invite from your local community/church/sports group. Contact Justine 021819169
  • Guerilla Choir: Cheeky singing at various events. Text Margaret 0224743073
  • Be a Red/Green Rebel: text Margaret 0224743073
  • Help with the Website/Social media/databases. With Clem and Dan
  • Help with press releases. With Caril

He uri tātou me ngā toiora katoa, ‘He muka nā te taura here a Ranginui rāua ko Papatūānuku.’ Ko tā tātou mahi he tieki i ngā tāonga me te mauriora i whakatōkia ai ki a Papatūānuku.

We are kin with all of life, ‘a strand in the enveloping life thread of Ranginui and Papatūānuku.’ Our responsibility is to tend and guard the riches and the vital ‘mauri’ that was mplanted on Papatūānuku..

End Fossil Fuels for <2 degrees

https://extinctionrebellion.nz/xr/ https://www.facebook.com/XRTamakiMakaurau/

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