XR Tāmaki Makaurau Newsletter – 24 May 2024

4 months ago 56


War on: Te Ao Māori, Nature, Health, Education, Housing, Poverty, the economy and more.

Join the thousands of us who are not accepting this governments War on Nature.

Help with the actions. Bring your placards.


In this newsletter:

  • March for Nature June 8th
  • We didn’t vote for this – Mobilising for system change
  • Agit-Prop – Workshops coming. Then actions
  • Climate Café 1st Sundays
  • End Urban SUVs – get stickering now.
  • North Shore Pickets

March for Nature

June 8th 1 pm Aotea Sq

Be on the XR Info Table Text Charlotte 021104420. Hold banners or flags Text Caril 0211883933. Support the Agitprop Theatre troupe (a train wreck?!) Text Margaret 0224743073

Make your own placard. Join the Greenpeace Placard making sessions.

Come with friends/whanau. BE THERE

Greenpeace, Forest and Bird, Communities Against Fast Track (CAFT), Coromandel Watchdog, WWF-New Zealand, and Kiwis Against Seabed Mining are hosting a ‘ March for Nature’ … to protest the Fast-Track Approvals Bill and the coalition government’s War on Nature. See: https://www.marchfornature.nz/?source=xranz

If you are in Te Whanganui a Tara/Wellington

We didn’t vote for this

Get your posters from the table on June 8th. Poster you shopping centre, market, sports arena, churches or anywhere there’s people. Remember 80% of us are concerned about the climate. These are the people we are targeting.


You will see the troupe in action on June 8th. Be inspired. Leave your name at the table to join in the meaningful pointed fun.

Using mostly White Face mime, with guidance from experienced people you do not need acting experience.

Or Text Margaret 0224743073

Council Delegations

We are keeping the pressure on our Council which declared a climate emergency in 2019 (would you believe!). We need a person to identify the meetings we should attend, let us know and organize with Council for XR to represent to council.

XR Queenstown has been presenting a state of the climate to Council monthly since 2019. They have kindly allowed XR Tāmakai Makaurau to use their submission – which of course we will modify for the local situation.

Genesis Still Burns Coal

As we move into winter the demand for electricity will increase. Last year with ongoing high rainfall the hydroelectric power generation was sufficient and supplementary power was not required through coal generation. Genesis has not decommissioned the coal fired Huntly power station. So we are ready to act if they choose to fire it up. They have dragged the chain for getting renewable solar and wind power generation to supplement. They have unnecessarily kept the high pollutant coal fired generation as an option.

This action will have a range of activities from banner and flag holders, leafleters, plus more. Email, or text Caril 0211883933

Palestinian Rallies

You are seeing how this campaign is international. Countries are beginning to recognise Palestinia. It is growing. It is challenging the colonial capitalist system. Not only is war extraordinarily exacerbating the climate crisis, the causes of the climate crisis overlap, are the same.

Join the protests. We are at every Rally. Look for the highest flag. Adam is using a pole from his truck for the flag. It is easy to find people to welcome you to the rallies.

CBD Monthly Climate Café:

1st Sundays, 10.30 am at the Art Gallery Café CBD.

Informal. Relaxed. Great company. Whatever you want to chat about regarding the climate crisis and what to do about it in Tāmaki Makaurau – Auckland. There is so much happening. You are not alone in your anxiety about the crisis. Catch up with all that is happening. Find out where and how you can join in. A perfect introduction and way to stay in contact with Rebels


Contact Adam: 0273517926, Justine 021819169

END Urban SUVs


We are to create a team and go together to a chosen suburb. One person identifying the rating of the vehicle and the other doing the sticking. Then drinks and chat. What a fun way to spend a fine winters evening.

Do it on your own: get the stickers onto the street and on the worst emitting SUVs in the cities. A starter pack is only $10. Email endurbanSUVs@protonmail.com. Text Kirsty: 0274422640

North Shore Pickets

Tuesday mornings for about an hour. Join Pat, Justine, and Jean. Increase awareness for climate action. Text Pat 0276340902

What is your contribution:

  • Planning meetings – help make actions happen 1st & 3rd Mondays 6.30pm Zoom meetings.  Organise the zoom. Welcome people as they login. Be the minute taker Text Caril 0211883933
  • Join the Art Group: Help make banners/placards with Kirsty, Eleanor & Laura
  • Join the Agit-prop Theatre troupe: with Jos, Jonty Margaret
  • Guerilla Choir: Cheeky singing at various events. Text Margaret 0224743073
  • Be a Red/Green Rebel: text Margaret 0224743073
  • Help with the Website/Social media/databases. With Clem and Dan
  • Help with press releases. With Caril

Nāku, nāhau ka ora ai tātou. Ko te mahi me tōna hua e rite ana, e tika ana. Kia ngākau nui, kia hākoakoa, kia pai te wairua i roto i ēnei mahi, i ēnei āhuatanga katoa.

With your assistance and mine we will survive. The labour and results are one and the same, and valid. Be valiant and resolute, be buoyant, let your spirit be tranquil in these efforts, in all of these circumstances.

End Fossil Fuels for <2 degrees

https://extinctionrebellion.nz/xr/ https://www.facebook.com/XRTamakiMakaurau/

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