XR Tāmaki Makaurau Newsletter – 26 August 2024

1 month ago 30


The Fast Track Bill – we have a Win

But much more is needed to address the climate crisis


In this newsletter:

  • Responding to the Government’s backdown on the Fast Track Bill
  • Climate Café September 1st. Auckland Art Gallery Cafe
  • What can you contribute

Fast Track Bill

The PM was lunching at Trusts Stadium.

We thought to give him a message he is not hearing

We marched in our thousands. We responded to the call for submissions to the Fast Track Bill in our tens of thousands. The government has backed down – a little.

The news that the Government has listened to tens of thousands of New Zealanders who have expressed growing and deep concerns about the proposed Fast Track Approvals Bill is welcomed as a sign that our multi layered protests are working.

This is a significant back-down by the Government on the original intention to have just three Ministers as final decision-makers on projects. This antidemocratic approach should never have been entertained by our Government. It is heartening that Expert Panels will have final decision-making authority (as the Labour Government had proposed in the Bill they were working through).

Waiting for the PM lunching at Trusts Stadium

Our work is not complete: the decision-making criteria are still heavily weighted in favour of development over the environment. Given the way the purpose clause is drafted, it’s hard to see any project being turned down, whether by Ministers or by panels. This needs significant redrafting.

Expert Panels will include environmental expertise. Māori mataurangi is to be replaced with something called Māori development expertise. We will need to ask Māori what the difference is! Māori input will only be included when required by Treaty settlements. This continues the attack on Te Ao Māori.

An astonishing 384 projects have been received by the Independent Advisory Group.

The applications are made up of:

  • Housing and urban development projects: 40 per cent
  • Infrastructure projects: 24 per cent
  • Renewable energy projects:18 per cent
  • Primary industries projects: 8 per cent
  • Quarrying projects: 5 per cent
  • Mining projects: 5 per cent

The Environmental Defence Society’s Official Information Act request for the names of those projects was declined. But they have lodged a complaint with the Ombudsman and are hopeful of a favourable ruling soon.

Of concern to the democratic process, is that in the coming months the Cabinet will consider which of these projects will be listed in Schedule 2 of the Bill. After the Bill is passed into law, projects listed in Part A of Schedule 2 will be able to apply directly to an Expert Panel for final decision. We ask why is the Cabinet so involved with making decisions at this level.

Citizens Assemblies, with informed input from all perspectives, would help the country through this dilemma of how move ahead on what Minister Bishop calls the “trifecta of challenges… housing crisis, a massive infrastructure deficit, and very ambitious climate change targets”.

The PM did not want to see our message.

He snuck in the back door.

We with others in the climate action movement are maintaining our resistance with this part of the War On Nature. We need a system meeting the needs of all within the means of the living planet. The Fast Track Bill rides rough shod over this basic vision.

The comments above are actively informed by the work of Forest & Bird and the Environmental Defence Society. We thank them for their expertise.

The people have spoken. We will return, soon, soon,soon

North Shore Pickets

Tuesday mornings August 20th and 27th. Oteha Valley Rd motorway intersection. For about an hour. Join Pat, Justine, and Jean. Increase awareness for climate action. Text Pat 0276340902

CBD Monthly Climate Café:

1st Sundays, 10.30 am at the Art Gallery Café CBD. September 1st

Informal. Relaxed. Great company. Whatever you want to chat about regarding the climate crisis and what to do about it in Tāmaki Makaurau – Auckland. There is so much happening. You are not alone in your anxiety about the crisis. Catch up with all that is happening. Find out where and how you can join in. A perfect introduction and way to stay in contact with Rebels.


Contact Adam: 0273517926, Justine 021819169

Keep Oil Out of Our ABs No INEOS Sponsorship

What is your contribution

  • Create a Poster Party: invite a couple of friends get postering before your usual socialising. We have posters. Make flour glue. Use a paint bucket and wide brushes. https://onelittleproject.com/how-to-make-glue/
  • Info Tables: At First Thursday K’Rd, your local markets, community events. We have the table and all the stuff you need. One of us will join you.
  • Letters to the Editor: Dennis and Emma are both keeping up a barrage of letters to Editors (NZ Herald and The Listener). Is this something you can help with?
  • Planning meetings – help make actions happen 1st & 3rd Mondays 6.30pm Zoom meetings
  • Organise the Zoom. Welcome people as they login. Be the minute taker Text Caril 0211883933
  • Join the Agitprop Theatre troupe: with Primo, Jill, Lyndon & Margaret. Text 0224743073
  • Guerilla Choir: Cheeky singing at various events. Text Margaret 0224743073
  • Be a Red/Green Rebel: text Margaret 0224743073
  • Help with the Website/Social media/databases. With Clem and Dan
  • Help with press releases. With Caril

Ko te pono me te tika te tino whainga. Ka riro mā ngā kōrero o mua, mā te mahinga ngātahitanga anō hoki o ngā kaipūtaiao e tohu me aha tātou e pā ana ki te hurihanga o te āhuarangi me te matenga haeretanga o Papatūānuku..

Truth and honesty are essential. The chronicles (indigenous) and collaborative efforts of scientists will indicate what our undertakings relating to climate and ecological collapse should be..

End Fossil Fuels for <2 degrees

https://extinctionrebellion.nz/xr/ https://www.facebook.com/XRTamakiMakaurau/

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