XR Tāmaki Makaurau Newsletter: Vote Climate

1 year ago 70

Tena koe,


We know urgent action climate action is necessary. The science is clear. For decades elite corporations have thwarted every scientific communication to the public, every intent and agreement.

We are appalled that Auckland Transport is loosing focus on the climate crisis. We are ‘helping’ them at their meeting this Tuesday June 27, 9.30 am. Details below.

As we build towards the election there is so much happening: Climate Shift, Tapatahi, Restore Passenger Rail, Stop Big Agri Business, and our VOTE CLIMATE.

We are up against the strong opposition of the elite corporates operating in an unfettered capitalist economic environment. They will work the system to get a government that favours them. The 700 homes that are unlivable, homes flooded, homes with rising untenable insurance and families grieving for loved ones killed in the January floods and cyclone are merely collateral damage to the obscene profit making of the elites. Plus poverty, homelessness, run down public health services.

It is our responsibility at this time, to step up, do more, step beyond our comfort zone. It is only together that we can make the changes to minimize the climate crisis, to keep the planet livable.

In this newsletter:

  • AT backdown on TERP Meeting 27th June 9.30 Be there
  • Tapatahi Launch this coming Sunday 25th 2.30.
  • Vote Climate
  • End Urban SUVs
  • Restore Passenger Rail is mobilizing – there’s a public meeting near you.
  • Climate Shift:
  • Climate Café, fortnightly CBD or Monthly North Shore.
  • Regular North Shore Picket


MAKE SOME NOISE to keep AT to the emissions reduction plan (TERP):

Auckland Transport meeting, Tuesday 27th 9.30 Meeting Room 1.04; 20 Viaduct Harbour Ave.

How dare they back down on The TERP (Transport Emissions Reduction Pathway). We must be at their meeting, make a noise so the know the people disagree with their decisions. It is time to move on from: The old paradigm is what got us here and created the problems we are all keen to leave behind (congestion, low accessibility, air pollution, daily road trauma, widespread physical inactivity, poor public health, crippling transport costs… and looming over all of us, climate change).

Need background? See this long read article by Heidi O’Callahan: https://www.greaterauckland.org.nz/2023/06/12/pick-up-the-ball-and-run-at/

Here’s lost opportunities: Opportunities for Changing Direction (greaterauckland.org.nz)

Wear your T Shirt. Make a placard. Bring a whistle, drums ETC. We need to make a noise. We need to clear message. Honour the TERP: No more Greenwashing. Drop the transport emissions, now.

Tapatahi: Coalition for a People’s Aotearoa.

A coalition, a vision and a petition for starters.

You are invited to the Tapatahi Launch event this Sunday 25 June. This will be a hybrid online and in person event with hubs in Tāmaki Makaurau, Pōneke and Ōtautahi, where we’ll have activities and a panel of speakers. We also intend to stream it live. Learn more at tapatahi.nz

The petition is a long read, because the interconnected changes being sought span Tiriti and Socio-Economic issues as well as responses to the Climate/Ecosystem Emergencies. We hope you will persevere and find considerable overlap with your own thinking within the broad sweep it contains. Here is a direct link to it Tapatahi Petition: Bring in the big changes that Aotearoa needs right now

Vote Climate

The Election campaign in started. We need people to vote. To vote climate. We will get out and about with information stalls where ever people gather: Markets, concerts town squares and more.

We will talk about the opportunity to get a government that is more likely to take the actions necessary to minimise the climate crisis. We will not get this if we all done get everyone around us out to vote.

Help us make a list of places to have an info table. We have posters, leaflets, bus cards. We will have electoral enrolment forms. We are all informed enough to have these conversations, especially as we talk and share our insights.

Join us on the information table – you can join someone more experienced. Alleviate climate anxiety. Make new friends. Have fun making a difference.

Text Caril 0211883933

END Urban SUVs. www.endurbansuvs.org

Urban SUVs are killing people, killing the planet https://theecologist.org/2021/apr/07/what-actual-truck. Aotearoa New Zealand is failing in emissions reductions commitment, and the clean care rebate isn’t enough.

Get your starter pack now. Only $10. Email EndUrbanSUVs@protonmail.com

Restore Passenger Rail Action

Public Talk South Side: Climate Crisis and Civil Resistance

We know this is no time for empty promises: with no carbon budget left and ecological systems in free fall we have to ACT DECISIVELY! Please help with leafleting and poster runs.

These sessions will discuss many things including how resisting injustice and standing up for what is right is a visceral, beautiful experience and part of what it means to be human at this time.

  • June 21 6.30pm Mangere East Community Centre
  • June 22 6.30 pm Mt Eden community Church 449 Mt Eden Rd
  • June 23 2 pm University of Auckland Library.
  • June 24 2.30 pm Mangere Town Centre library
  • June 28 4.30 pm Green Bay Community House
  • June 29 5.30 pm Mangere Town Library
  • June 29 6.30 pm Waitakere Community Centre
  • June 30 2 pm University of Auckland Library

Text Rach on 0272408509 or Rosie on 0291261037

Climate Shift:

An exciting coalition of 30+ climate activist groups – of course including Extinction Rebellion Tāmaki Makaurau – stimulated by Greenpeace, Forest & Bird and Oxfam. They have developed a ten point plan for political parties and to guide us voters. The petition has gathered over 6000 signatures already. Sign now: https://petition.act.greenpeace.org.nz/climate-shift


1st Saturday & 3rd Sundays, 10.30 am at the Art Gallery Café CBD.

A perfect introduction and way to stay in contact with Rebels. Informal. Relaxed. Great company. Catch up with all that is happening. Find out where and how you can join in.

Contact Adam: 0273517926 or Contact Charlotte: 0211104420 or Colin

North Shore Monthly CLIMATE CAFE

2nd Sundays 10 am Java Jungle in Browns Bay for XR members or anyone potentially interested in climate activism. Contact Justine 021819169


Every Wednesday or Friday 8-9 am North Shore Rebels picket at Oteha Valley Road intersection before motorway on-ramp. Bring placards and banners. Or you can use what we already have. Leaflets for interested drivers. Contact Pat 0276340902


  • Planning meetings – help make actions happen 1st & 3rd Mondays 6.30pm Zoom meetings
  • Be the minute taker/facilitator
  • Be a Red/Green Rebel
  • Help with designing and making banners and placards
  • Help with the Website/Social media/data bases.
  • Help with press releases.
  • Do a non-violent action training to get ready for disruptive effective action
  • And much more – think of your strengths and talk to us.

XR Protestors, blocking the entrance to Fonterra

Can’t join actions?

Every campaign needs finance. Please donate through Kiwibank 38-9022-0356965-00

A huge thanks to everyone who has made a donation. Your contributions are making a big difference.


He uri tātou me ngā toiora katoa, ‘He muka nā te taura here a Ranginui rāua ko Papatūānuku.’ Ko tā tātou mahi he tieki i ngā tāonga me te mauriora i whakatōkia ai ki a Papatūānuku.

We are kin with all of life, ‘a strand in the enveloping life thread of Ranginui and Papatūānuku.’ Our responsibility is to tend and guard the riches and the vital ‘mauri’ that was implanted on Papatūānuku.

Race to Zero Emissions for 1.5 or <2 degrees

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