Youngkin stands out among GOP responses to Trump indictments

1 year ago 64

Many Republicans responded to the federal charges against Donald Trump with talking points about “the weaponization of federal law enforcement” or head-shaking about “a sad day.” But Virginia Gov. Glenn Youngkin stood out from the herd with a single tweet. Youngkin managed to deploy the talking points without even mentioning Trump’s name, wrap himself in tones of sorrow and concern for justice itself, and at the same time, astonishingly, latch on to Trump’s indictment to promote his own personal favorite political issue.

 "These charges are unprecedented and it’s a sad day for our country, especially in light of what clearly appears to be a two-tiered justice system where some are selectively prosecuted, and others are not. Parents in Virginia know firsthand what it’s like to be targeted by politically motivated actions. Regardless of your party, this undermines faith in our judicial system at exactly the time when we should be working to restore that trust."

Unprecedented charges … sad day for our country … two-tiered justice system … selective prosecution … I’m sorry, what now? Virginia parents?

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