Edicole. Snag: l’emorragia si sta arrestando ma si ferma solo con sostegni
CNN: украинские военные сбили в Донецкой области дрон китайского производства
Catastrophe ferroviaire en Grèce : violents heurts entre la police et des manifestants à Athènes
UK bans TikTok from government mobile phones
Los profesores suben el listón con las IA generativas: «Les explico a mis alumnos ChatGPT el primer día de clase»
As bird flu continues to spread in the US and worldwide, what's the risk that it could start a human pandemic? 4 questions answered
Governments must not undermine historic Global Ocean Treaty by giving greenlight to deep sea mining
Starlink in Amazzonia, e le organizzazioni criminali ne approfittano
Paying taxes and being honest 'investment' says revenue boss
Jim Gordon, session drummer on dozens of hits such as Layla, dies aged 77