British film board turns to AI to help spot bad language, sex and violence
Au Parlement européen, bataille homérique autour du projet de loi sur la restauration de la nature
A Montana man who fired shots in a thwarted plot against LGBTQ+ people gets 18 years in prison
Ecomarcha 2023: De Valladolid a Barakaldo, por una movilidad sostenible, social y vertebradora para un planeta más fresco
La droite européenne prête à tuer la biodiversité
A 79-year-old mathematician may have just solved an infinite dimension puzzle that's vexed theorists for decades
Comment le berlusconisme a été possible
Raw milk won’t cure lactose intolerance, but it might make you ill
Colombian police officer in hospital after swallowing extorted banknotes
Neuschwanstein: US man held after fatal attack at German castle