Nuclear Power is NOT "Green" and NOT "renewable". Join the International Campaign Now | RNAnews
The 7 reasons why nuclear energy is not the answer to solve climate change | Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation
LEAK: EU experts to say nuclear power qualifies for green investment label | Euractiv
Il nucleare potrebbe ricevere a breve il bollino UE di “energia verde”. In gioco i miliardi di sussidi destinati alla transizione ecologica | Il Fatto Quotidiano
New York Times Profiles Fossil Free Media’s “Clean Creatives” Campaign
International Call launched by RNA International - Extinction Rebellion #XR and #fff Fridays For Future 'Leaders': Please Say something about #Nuclear ! DON'T NUKE THE CLIMATE!
RNA lancia appello ANTINUCLEARE rivolto ai "Leaders" di Extinction Rebellion ("XR") e FRIDAYS FOR FUTURE ("fff"): "DITE QUALCOSA SUL NUCLEARE"
Sentenza del Tar Lecce, sez. I, 13 febbraio 2021
SICILIA NO-SCORIE da Palermo a Messina - Reports | RNAnews
Extinction Rebellion XR and Fridays For Future Leaders: Please Say something about Nuclear! - RNA INTERNATIONAL